Values and Priorities
John MacCarthy

My Values
I believe South Carolina’s representatives should reflect the values of our community.
As an American, I believe true patriotism consists of working to protect and defend our Constitution, our personal freedoms, and our democratic institutions. I believe we practice our patriotism by serving our communities and finding ways to unite one another as a nation, and not by sowing seeds of fear, division, distrust, and violence that break us apart and undermine our democracy.
As a person of faith, I believe we are called to love and respect one another, and to care for the poor, the sick, and the powerless.
As a scientist and engineer, I am committed to finding, understanding, and communicating the truth and for making practical, data-driven decisions, rather than making decisions based on opinion or what is politically expedient.
As a teacher, I believe it is critically important for us to have a public education system that successfully prepares our children to find and pursue their dreams and to be responsible and knowledgeable members of our society.
Finally, I know the importance of respectfully listening to all affected parties to ensure a solution meets everyone’s needs.
My Priorities
Sensible Growth
Simpsonville, Mauldin, and South Greenville are growing rapidly. While economic growth is important, it is also important to manage this growth wisely. State and local governments need to provide adequate funds to maintain our roads and upgrade our infrastructure, but they must do so in a way that respects the rights of residents to shape their communities. I will use my experience as an engineer and technical manager to ensure that state policies result in growth that benefits our community.
American families are the backbone of our country. For many families, the cost of childcare and healthcare are a significant burden. As a parent, I understand this and will work to make childcare and healthcare more available and affordable.
Personal Freedom
Personal freedom is a core American value. The state should not restrict basic freedoms such as a woman’s right to make decisions regarding her health, a person’s lifestyle, or a person’s ability to access information.
Our public schools provide the foundation for our children’s personal and professional success and for our country’s economic growth and social cohesion. I will draw on my experience as an educator to work tirelessly to improve our public education system and improve the retention and recruitment of our public school teachers.
Public Safety
We all have a right to public safety. I believe we should provide the police, firefighters, emergency services, and healthcare workers with the training and resources they need. I believe it is important to respect their recommendations on public safety and responsible gun ownership.