Sensible | Experienced | Principled Patriotism
SC Statehouse | District 27
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good [people] to do nothing.”
-Edmund Burke
About John MacCarthy

John’s values are shaped by his Christian faith and his career of service as a teacher, scientist, engineer, and technical manager. John believes that governance should be based on reason, respect, and community. If elected, these values will guide him as he works in Columbia to represent all the people of the South Greenville area.
Your Vote Matters
Help Us Bring the Change We Need Right Now!
Early Voting Begins
Monday, October 23rd
Election Day
Tuesday, November 7th
Values and Priorities
As a values driven candidate, John MacCarthy believes that SC’s representatives should reflect the values of their communities.
Values and Priorities
As a values driven candidate, John MacCarthy believes that SC’s representatives should reflect the values of their communities.